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EuF3 Safety Information

Symbol: warningGHS07
Signal word: Warning
Hazard statements: H302 + H312 + H332-H315-H319-H335*
Precautionary statements: P261-P280-P305 + P351 + P338**
Personal Protective Equipment: dust mask type N95 (US), Eyeshields, Gloves
WGK Germany: 3

There are 72 individual and 17 combined Hazard statements - these are assigned a unique alphanumerical code which consists of one letter and three numbers as follows:
 the letter "H" (for "hazard statement");
 a number designating the type of hazard as follows:
  - "2" for physical hazards
  - "3" for health hazards
  - "4" for environmental hazards
 two numbers corresponding to the sequential numbering of hazards arising from the intrinsic properties of the substance or mixture, such as explosive properties (codes from 200 to 210), flammability (codes from 220 to 230), etc.

There are 116 individual and 33 combined Precautionary statements – these are assigned a unique alphanumerical code which consists of one letter and three numbers as follows:
 the letter "P" (for "precautionary statement");
 one number designating the type of precautionary statement as follows:
  - "1" for general precautionary statements
  - "2" for prevention precautionary statements
  - "3" for response precautionary statements
  - "4" for storage precautionary statements
  - "5" for disposal precautionary statements
 two numbers (corresponding to the sequential numbering of precautionary statements)

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