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GA2171 Gallium Arsenide Wafer (GaAs)

Catalog No. GA2171
Material GaAs
Thickness 350 um ~ 625 um
Conductive Type P - type / N - type / Semi-insulating
Diameter Ø 2" / Ø 3" / Ø 4"
Polytype 4H / 6H

Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM) offer single crystal GaAs wafer produced by two main growth techniques LEC and VGF method, allowing us to provide customers the widest choice of GaAs material with high uniformity of electrical properties and excellent surface quality.

Related products: Gallium Nitride Wafer, Sapphire Wafer, Silicon Carbide Wafer, Silicon Wafer, Germanium Wafer (Ge wafer).

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GA2171 Gallium Arsenide Wafer
GA2171 Gallium Arsenide Wafer
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