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CY2175 Silicon Carbide Wafer

Catalog No. CY2175
Material SiC
Thickness 260 um ~ 500 um
Conductive Type N - type / Semi-insulating
Diameter Ø 1" /Ø 2" / Ø 3" / Ø 4"/ Ø 6"
Polytype 4H / 6H
Resistivity ( SI ) > 1E5 ohm-cm

SAM is a global manufacturer of Silicon Carbide Wafer. With our rich experience and knowledge in the wafer industry, you can be confident in making SAM your first choice.

Related products: Gallium Arsenide Wafer, Gallium Nitride Wafer, Sapphire Wafer, Silicon Wafer, Germanium Wafer (Ge wafer).

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