Description of Lithium Aluminate Crystal Substrates
LaAlO2 Single Crystal is currently the most important industrialized, large-scale high-temperature superconducting thin film substrate single crystal material. Single crystals and substrates with a diameter of 2 inches or more can be obtained by a pull-up method. It matches very well with high temperatures superconducting materials such as YBaCuO and lattice and has the characteristics of low dielectric constant and low microwave loss. Therefore, it is suitable for high-temperature superconducting microwave electronic equipment (such as high-temperature superconducting microwave filters in telecommunications).

Specifications of Lithium Aluminate Crystal Substrates
Major Capability Parameter
Crystal Structure
Tetragonal system
Lattice Constant
a=5.17 A c=6.26 A
Melt Point(°C)
7.5 (mohs)
Standard Size (mm)
10x3,10x5,10x10,15x15,20x15,20x20 mm
Ф20mm, Ф1″, Ф2″
Single or double side polished
Crystal Orientation
<100>, <001>, <110>
Orientation Accuracy
Edge Orientation Accuracy
2° (special in 1°)
Other Angle of Crystal
Special size and orientation are available upon request
Roughness (Ra)
Applications of Lithium Aluminate Crystal Substrates
Lithium Aluminate Crystal Substrates are suitable for high-temperature superconducting microwave electronic equipment (such as high-temperature superconducting microwave filters in telecommunications).